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Leigh On Sea News: 10,000 Homes Plan - IN December 2024 Southend City and Rochford District Councils submitted a joint expression of interest,

Leigh On Sea News: 10,000 Homes Plan – IN December 2024 Southend City and Rochford District Councils submitted a joint expression of interest,

10,000 Homes Plan - IN December 2024 Southend City and Rochford District Councils submitted a joint expression of interest,

IN December 2024 Southend City and Rochford District Councils submitted a joint expression of interest, following the New Towns Taskforce call for evidence regarding potential opportunities of larger scale housing and economic growth. The two councils have now submitted an updated an expression of interest.

The cross-border development is an area to the north of Southend and south of Rochford that is already being considered as part of the Local Plan process, which could eventually provide around 10,000 homes, spilt evenly between the two authorities as well as jobs and community facilities.

Significant investment in infrastructure would also be needed if development in this location was to go ahead. This follows a similar submission by Rochford, Southend and Essex County Councils for the area to be considered a new Garden Community in 2018.

Proposals for growth in this area are currently being considered by both authorities as their work on the preparation of Local Plans continues.

Southend’s housing need has consistently been very high, and this scheme would be needed to contribute to meeting that need, and Rochford’s, under both the new and old methods of calculating housing requirements. Any development here would not be additional to those figures, but part of meeting the authorities housing need.

Coun Daniel Cowan, Leader of Southend City Council, said: “Working closely with Rochford District Council, an updated expression of interest to the original 2018 submission has been submitted to Government, so we can make a stronger case for infrastructure-led development.

“Southend-on-Sea is suffering from a worsening housing crisis and needs new infrastructure.

“Our expression of interest is for issues around roads, health, public transport, education and public open space are tackled first, so we can then meet our housing challenges in both Southend-on-Sea and Rochford.

“However, I want to be clear that the expression of interest does not commit the council to permitting housing on this land and the two authorities retain the right to withdraw it. This is about taking a proactive approach to the challenges we face.”

Coun James Newport, Leader of Rochford District Council, added: “Rochford now has a requirement from Central Government to build more homes a year than it ever has.

“It is therefore incumbent on the Council to explore all options to meet this requirement to ensure the best outcome for residents and businesses in the district, including through working with our colleagues in Southend to consider this cross-border growth location.

“That is why officers proposed this potential development site to the New Towns Taskforce, but it is important to be clear that no decisions have yet been made and this was just an expression of interest at this stage.

“It does not commit the Council to proceed with a New Town in this location and if the Government decide to shortlist the bid for further investigation, then a report will be brought to the appropriate council committee for review.

“Whatever growth options and sites we include within our Local Plan will need to bring improvements to our services, facilities and infrastructure, including roads and schools and have a range of house sizes, including affordable homes.

“The draft Local Plan will be published for public engagement this year.

“Any development of this site would contribute to meeting the Government’s housing target, and not be additional to it, and therefore if the site can do this and might be a better outcome for residents and businesses than providing housing in other areas, then I believe it is important that we ensure it is fully explored.”

The Government confirmed earlier this month they had received 100 proposals from every region in England. Councils are expecting to hear back later this year on which proposals will potentially be considered for further investigation by the New Towns Taskforce.

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