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eigh On Sea News: Fourteen Stories Launch - A LEIGH-based writer’s group have just published a locally-themed anthology of stories.

eigh On Sea News: Fourteen Stories Launch – A LEIGH-based writer’s group have just published a locally-themed anthology of stories.

Fourteen Stories Launch - A LEIGH-based writer’s group have just published a locally-themed anthology of stories.

A LEIGH-based writer’s group have just published a locally-themed anthology of stories.

Truth, Lies and Seagulls, created by the Create 98 writer’s group as their final term project, was launched to a large crowd at Twenty-One on the Western Esplanade, at the end of November.

The anthology, a blend of fact and fiction, delivers 14 diverse stories that captures the history and tapestry of life in and around the city of Southend, and offers readers a “glimpse into the heart and soul of this vibrant community.”

The book project, where each writer gives their unique take on the essence of their cherished locale, was in fact developed at breakneck speed, created, published and launched in under two months, with support from at Simon Fowler of Create 98, based in Leigh’s Broadway.

From nostalgic anecdotes to imaginative tales, the book is also donating half of its profits to two local charities: Aspirations Project and The Essex Wildlife Trust.

Author Steven Rosen said: “The launch was a tremendous success, with seventy-plus attendees.

“Greg Borgartz from The Essex Wildlife Trust spoke about our wonderful coastline and diverse wildlife that are in need of protection now more than ever.

“From salt marshes to forests, the natural world in Southend deserves to be protected.

“Marie Edmonds from Aspirations Project gave an energised and moving testimony of the charity’s diverse local work, and there were many with tears in their eyes and lumps in their throats.”

The authors featured are Mike Lamborn, Alex Delve, Kay-Anne Sheen, C. Ellis-Ballinger, Steven Rosen, Catherine Thornton, Belle Harper, Abigail Keys, Diann Webb, Richard Kurti, Jim Riches, Carolin Voigt, Adrian Lacy, and Rachel Dingle.

Picture: The book launch at Twenty-One.

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