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Leigh On Sea News: Points Of View – Letter from: Peter Wexham Leigh ward Councillor and Environmentalist.
Points Of View - Letter from: Peter Wexham Leigh ward Councillor and Environmentalist.
Letter from: Peter Wexham Leigh ward Councillor and Environmentalist.
SIR, the Tory Council stopped the charging on Southend seafront in the evenings to make the pubs and clubs happy and now the Tory Cabinet is looking at charging to park in Leigh because they are short of money.
Letter from: Jill Allen-King O.B.E. – Southend Pensioners Campaign Group.
SIR in the local media recently there has been a report about the purposed cuts by Southend City Council.
It referred to cuts to community services. What it did not say is that this would include the closing of the dementia unit of Southend City Council.
I am shocked by this proposal and I will do every thing in my power to stop this from happening.
My husband has now had Alzheimer’s for 2 years, and without the help from the staff of this unit, I do not know how I would have coped. No other service or so called care service have helped.
There has been a lot of talking, but the only action and real help has been from Gill Clark and the dementia unit.
It is hard enough to cope with someone having such a disability, but without the support and practical advice families just cannot cope.
I am told there will be a consultation about these cuts, but from my experience our Council takes no notice of such consultations.
I will remind the council of 2008 with the so called consultation about the proposed shared space at Victoria gateway and city beach.
Our comments that these shared space schemes were dangerous and would not work.
Seven million pound was spent on these schemes because we were not listened to.
If this unit is closed who is going to help and give the professional advice that is needed by so many families?
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