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Former Green Party leader to speak in Leigh
Former Green Party leader to speak in Leigh. Green Party Leader, and Peer in the House of Lords, Baroness Natalie Bennett
A BARONESS will be in Leigh as a guest speaker at a Green Party event in March.
Former Green Party Leader, and Peer in the House of Lords, Baroness Natalie Bennett will attend a Green Party volunteers event held at the Fishermen’s Chapel in Leigh on Saturday ,March 25 from 7 to 9 pm.
Baroness Bennett will be giving a giving a talk on her storied political career to date, and her current work in the House of Lord, joined on the panel by Coun Nate Higgins, Green Councillor for Stratford Olympic Park, and local Green campaigner James Vessey-Miller.
There will also be an open Q&A session.
Mr Vessey-Miller said: “It’s very exciting to have such a high-profile Green politician visiting Southend.
“Our team of local volunteers have been working hard holding the council to account and standing up for what matters, and it’s great to have one of the biggest Green campaign events in the Eastern Region happening here this year.
“It will be fantastic to have Natalie and Nate out with us on the doorsteps speaking to residents, and I can’t wait for what will be a fascinating evening of discussion.”
All funds raised from tickets, which must be booked in advance, will go to supporting the local branch.
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