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A LEIGH home has been closed down by officers and the council, after reports of large groups of youth gathering at the site and displaying “violent and antisocial behaviour” caused concerns amongst residents and property bosses.

A LEIGH home has been closed down by officers and the council, after reports of large groups of youth gathering at the site and displaying “violent and antisocial behaviour” caused concerns amongst residents and property bosses.

A LEIGH home has been closed down by officers and the council, after reports of large groups of youth gathering at the site and displaying “violent and antisocial behaviour” caused concerns amongst residents and property bosses.

A LEIGH home has been closed down by officers and the council, after reports of large groups of youth gathering at the site and displaying “violent and antisocial behaviour” caused concerns amongst residents and property bosses.

South Essex Homes, who have responsibility for managing the council social housing stock, worked with the council and Essex Police to secure a full closure order for the flat in Danbury Close at a hearing at Southend Magistrates Court on Friday, March 10.

It is reported that residents had experienced fear and intimidation from large groups of youths, who had made the property a hotspot for “criminal activity.”

Acting inspector David Gardner from Essex Police said: “This is a good example of how we work effectively with partner agencies to take positive action against those who cause a nuisance in the local communities, and we hope the residents of Danbury Close will now start to see an improvement to the neighbourhood.

“The closure order, made under the Antisocial Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014, means that no one other than representatives or contractors of Southend Council or South Essex Homes may enter the property, for a period of three months.

“Any persons found breaching this order will be committing a criminal offence and could be prosecuted.”

Sarah Lander, director of housing operations at South Essex Homes, added: “Working with Essex Police and other local partner agencies, we use a variety of methods to tackle the inappropriate use of properties and ongoing incidents of antisocial behaviour that cause a menace in our communities.

“This order has been secured to help us put a stop to antisocial behaviour that was emanating from this property, impacting on residents’ well-being and community safety.

“We will monitor activity at the address and would urge local residents to report any breaches of the closure order by contacting Essex police on 101 or 999 in an emergency.”

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