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A LEIGH councillor has uncovered a glimpse of Leigh’s fishing heritage, and he’s making a callout for anyone who might know the identities of the subjects
A LEIGH councillor has uncovered a glimpse of Leigh’s fishing heritage, and he’s making a callout for anyone who might know the identities of the subjects
A LEIGH councillor has uncovered a glimpse of Leigh’s fishing heritage, and he’s making a callout for anyone who might know the identities of the subjects.
Lid Dem Councillor Peter Wexham, who was also a fisherman in the Old Town for many years, has revealed a charming photograph of three cocklers landing cockles, running down a plank at high tide.
The interesting scene is taking place behind the Cockle sheds, with the yokes and baskets clearly visible as the cocklers make their way through the high water after a big haul.
Coun Wexham wants to know if anyone in the town recognises anyone in the photograph, perhaps as a remembered distant relative or grandparent.
He said: “it’s quite a dynamic image showing the business of the Leigh fishing industry.
“I would like to know if anyone recognises the people in the photograph. It’s not possible to identify the boat as we can’t see the number on it, but it’s clearly in Old Leigh boatyard, and I think the photo was taken in the 1930s.”
Anyone with information pertaining to the photo is asked to contact [email protected]
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