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c2c has launched a special new train wrapped in graphics to promote a police app (phone application).
c2c has launched a special new train wrapped in graphics to promote a police app (phone application).
c2c has launched a special new train wrapped in graphics to promote a police app (phone application).
The single train, which features blue graphics promoting the Railway Guardian app, including a QR code to scan to download, is now in service, and running along the popular London to Southend route.
The app is a safety tool allowing passengers to discreetly report crimes in real time and report concerns on trains or at stations.
Where necessary, officers can be deployed, who may meet the train at the next station and speak to station staff to gather intelligence.
c2c’s head of revenue protection and security, Iain Palmer said: “The safety and security of our customers is our top priority.
“By promoting the BTP’s Railway Guardian app in such an eye-catching way, we hope to encourage more passengers to play an active role in keeping the railway safe and secure.
“Having used it myself, it’s well designed and easy to use, and I would urge everyone to download it.”
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