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Leigh On Sea News. Letter - Mast Plans. Letter from: Helen Watson, Leigh - 20 Metre (corner of Herschell Road) & 15 metre (corner of Hadleigh Road) telecommunications mast proposal - opposite each other - on the London Road, Leigh.

Leigh On Sea News. Letter – Mast Plans. Letter from: Helen Watson, Leigh – 20 Metre (corner of Herschell Road) & 15 metre (corner of Hadleigh Road) telecommunications mast proposal – opposite each other – on the London Road, Leigh.

Letter - Mast Plans. Letter from: Helen Watson, Leigh - 20 Metre (corner of Herschell Road) & 15 metre (corner of Hadleigh Road) telecommunications mast proposal - opposite each other - on the London Road, Leigh.

Leigh On Sea News. Letter – Mast Plans. Letter from: Helen Watson, Leigh – 20 Metre (corner of Herschell Road) & 15 metre (corner of Hadleigh Road) telecommunications mast proposal – opposite each other – on the London Road, Leigh.

SIR, you may not be aware that two Applications have been submitted to Southend Council – one for a 20 metre telecommunications mast (Herschell Road/London Road, submitted 31.5.23) and, virtually opposite, (Hadleigh Road/London Road, submitted 16.6.23) there is a second Application for a new 15 metre telecommunications mast to be erected!

Both proposed sites, within metres of each other, are in an area where people live, work and shop – to say nothing of the 2,000 (almost) children and young adults being educated at Belfairs Academy and St Michaels Preparatory School.

The erection of both a 20m and 15 metre industrial structure, together with all the ancillary equipment on the ground, would be completely out of context in relation to the surrounding land and buildings as they will dominate the surrounding residential properties and be visible from all angles.

Also, as you will know, Southend Council are fully aware of the decline of local shopping facilities and they state their aim is that : “the network of neighbourhood and local centres offer a wide range of retail, leisure, employment and other community services and facilities to both residents and those who visit the Borough”

“Neighbourhood centre” no 5 is “the London Road, Thames Drive & Hadleigh Road” and the Council correctly states “It is important that the vibrancy and vitality of these commercial centres ensure we provide for healthy, complete neighbourhoods that are accessible for local residents and encourage local employment opportunities”.

Surely a threatening 20 metre and 15 metre mast would totally negate all these intentions and the siting and disquieting appearance of the masts will have a negative visual impact on the surrounding residential, shopping and employment area? And not only is the appearance of such towering structures menacing but people, quite simply, do not want to live, work, shop or be educated in the vicinity of such over-powering industrial eyesores.

In addition, most residents are also extremely concerned about the health risks these masts pose which, although currently denied, are still under investigation.

Also there does not appear to be much evidence of a neighbourhood consultation. Both schools were unaware of these proposals – do local residents just have to sit back and watch this travesty happen.

Please can the Leigh-on-sea news be our voice! The Deadline for comments on the 15 metre mast is July 13, 2023 – we need to act urgently – thank you so much.

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