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Leigh On Sea News: Gambling Charity Hub - A CHARITY helping people to recover from gambling addiction now has hubs in Leigh.

Leigh On Sea News: Gambling Charity Hub – A CHARITY helping people to recover from gambling addiction now has hubs in Leigh.

Gambling Charity Hub - A CHARITY helping people to recover from gambling addiction now has hubs in Leigh. Picture: Coun Paul Gilson – supports Breakeven.

A CHARITY helping people to recover from gambling addiction now has hubs in Leigh.

Breakeven provides free counselling support and an after- care service, face to face, online or by telephone.

They now have two hubs in South East Essex, one at The Life House Therapy Centre, Leigh Road, and one within The Forward Trust in Weston Road, Southend.

These hubs are alongside two that already exist in Essex, in Colchester and Chelmsford.

The charity hopes to encourage people to reach out if they are struggling with a gambling problem, and this mission aim is supported by Leigh Town’s Coun Paul Gilson,

He said: “I have seen the damage that gambling does to whole families, it wrecks lives. I welcome Breakeven coming to Leigh to help before lives are ruined. Having someone to listen and talk to could be a game changer in someone’s life.”

Suzanne, Breakeven’s Counsellor and Engagement Lead, added: “Gambling addiction is now seen as a public health concern, and now we must work hard to ensure that the needs of those affected are met, by providing a safe and effective service and by bringing an end to the stigma that surrounds it.

“We offer support to anyone affected by problem gambling, whether it be the gambler themselves or an affected other such as a partner, family member, friend, or work.

“Our counsellors will provide you with a safe space to talk about how gambling affects you and work with you to find ways to help take control of your life, move forward and feel better.”

Contact: [email protected]

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Picture: Coun Paul Gilson – supports Breakeven.

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