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Leigh On Sea News: Political Viewpoint - BY Richard Longstaff Green Party Councillor for Leigh Ward.

Leigh On Sea News: Political Viewpoint – BY Richard Longstaff Green Party Councillor for Leigh Ward.

Political Viewpoint - BY Richard Longstaff Green Party Councillor for Leigh Ward.

BY Richard Longstaff Green Party Councillor for Leigh Ward.

WELL, it’s almost been my first full year as Southend’s first elected Green councillor representing the fabulous Leigh ward.

There’s been much happening on both Southend and Leigh Councils – hard to summarise in a short article. As a busy share-care Dad to three little humans and holding various job roles outside of council, it’s difficult to keep up with all the shenanigans, meetings and summits that are crucial to the healthy function of both councils that so many residents rely on.

So far, I am the only Green, but it’s clear to see what a difference this is already making, both in the political chamber and in the administration, as we transition to zero carbon.

This is not happening quickly enough and I’m working hard wherever I can to push this agenda forward. We are heading for a Greener, more sustainable council and there’s much to do and discuss, always. With more Greens on the council, we can be even more influential.

I’m fortunate to have the full support of key members of our local Green Party branch, and am especially grateful to our amazing candidate, Stuart Allen, who supports me both on council and around Leigh. We are both pro-actively involved with a range of local issues, from supporting and promoting small businesses to resolving problems with street lighting, blocked drains, potholes and antisocial behaviour. With Stuart and our Green Team, Leigh is in good hands.

Stuart is also attending every Leigh Town Council meeting and residents meetings, representing the concerns of residents as the chaotic mis-management continues to unravel.

We are very concerned with the running of LTC, and about our community centre and our highly valued staff, who provide such excellent services all year round.

Much like our national Government, not all of the thirteen Conservatives currently on LTC were publicly elected.

This inequity has led to unrest, making LTC public meetings unpleasant, and, I imagine, incredibly difficult for some of the Conservative councillors. However, they must have known their actions would not be received well locally, My suggestion for resolution would be for five conservative councillors to step down and thus redress the balance and restore democratic representation.

Stuart is an absolute powerhouse for Leigh and is a thoroughly amenable chap. He and his partner are working incredibly hard already. We also have Nathaniel Love representing Belfairs and he too is ready and working hard to pave the way for another Green on Southend Council.

From our regular door-knocking and speaking with residents, it is clear just how much support Stuart and Nathaniel have in the community. We are a great team already and it would be wonderful to welcome both of them as Green councillors at Southend. You can follow us on IG and FB for our latest updates.

Meanwhile, I have been attending the Anglian Water Summits to address the issue of sewage discharge into the estuary, which I know is very concerning to our residents. I am pleased to report that significant investment is on its way and in the most recent meeting, AW addressed nearly all of the key points, including ‘my’ request for a schematic plan of Southend’s combined sewage network and the fourteen or so storm drains that discharge into the estuary.

I feel proud of being vocal and assertive about this achievement – despite the fact another local politician later took credit for it! I also called out how under this Governments tenure the Environment Agency has had its funding cut by a whopping 66%. There will

also now be all-year round monitoring and a live real-time ‘beach-aware’ update network App that will go live sometime in April.

As ever, there’s much more to discuss around trees. We have set up the Environment working party on trees and biodiversity and will be meeting in March.

The recent budget revisions have clawed back some key funds for this essential area. I was on Essex Radio recently, speaking about the 150-year old Plane tree, affectionately known as Chester, which has been earmarked for removal, but we hope will be saved. I have shared my proposal for a redesign of the junction where the tree stands, in order to secure its future.

Lastly, myself, Stuart and Nathaniel are out door knocking and holding surgeries where you can come and learn more about how Greens are transforming the narrative in Southend – please see our social media updates.

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