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Leigh On Sea News: Community Centre 'Asset' - THE MP for Southend West has said that Leigh Community Centre should be declared an ‘Asset of Community Value’ in the wake of protests and concerns over its future.

Leigh On Sea News: Community Centre ‘Asset’ – THE MP for Southend West has said that Leigh Community Centre should be declared an ‘Asset of Community Value’ in the wake of protests and concerns over its future.

Community Centre 'Asset' - THE MP for Southend West has said that Leigh Community Centre should be declared an ‘Asset of Community Value’ in the wake of protests and concerns over its future.

THE MP for Southend West has said that Leigh Community Centre should be declared an ‘Asset of Community Value’ in the wake of protests and concerns over its future.
Anna Firth MP has written an open letter nominating the Community Centre, on Elm Road, be safeguarded after residents raised numerous concerns over its running by the Tory-led Leigh Town Council administration.
Declaring the building an ‘asset of community value’ would allow the community to bid to purchase the building, were it to be put up for sale.
Ms Firth said: “There is considerable concern about the future of Leigh Community Centre and I would like to put this beyond peradventure.
“To recognise the Leigh Community Centre as an Asset of Community Value, one must consider its longevity and impact within Southend.
“The building itself is well over 100 years-old and was the original home of Conservatives in Southend. Since the building was taken over by Leigh Town Council and opened as a community centre in September 2012, it has gone from strength to strength and has established itself a much-loved asset at the heart of the community.
“The community centre is open to absolutely everyone and serves those of all age groups.”
However, some Leigh Town Councillors have voiced concern over this proposal.
Past Leigh Councillor Peter Wexham said making it a community asset would not be in its favour, as it would separate the centre from the Council.
He told Leigh News: “The Tory group is trying to separate the community centre from the Town Council, which was their aim from the start.
“The Community Centre as run by the Town Council is always backed financially by the Leigh precept is for the benefit of the community.
“If separated and run by a charity group or any other group, the chances are at some time, it will fail.
“In this case Southend Council would not want the responsibility and could then sell the site.”

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