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Leigh On Sea News: Horticultural Society’s AGM - ON a sunny March 1, Leigh Horticultural Society (LHS) kicked off their 99th AGM with a round-up of last year's achievements and a look towards the floriferous year to come.

Leigh On Sea News: Horticultural Society’s AGM – ON a sunny March 1, Leigh Horticultural Society (LHS) kicked off their 99th AGM with a round-up of last year’s achievements and a look towards the floriferous year to come.

Horticultural Society’s AGM - ON a sunny March 1, Leigh Horticultural Society (LHS) kicked off their 99th AGM with a round-up of last year's achievements and a look towards the floriferous year to come.

ON a sunny March 1, Leigh Horticultural Society (LHS) kicked off their 99th AGM with a round-up of last year’s achievements and a look towards the floriferous year to come.

Jim Sanctuary, the Society’s President, welcomed some seventy members to the meeting. He reminded the gathering of what this same occasion might have looked like 100 years ago at the launch of the Society: the gentlemen in their three-piece suits and the ladies in their fashionable cloche hats, all with an interest in growing and showing the biggest, brightest and best flowers and vegetables.

The Treasurer reported a healthy bank balance and the Membership Secretary encouraged everyone to renew their membership before the up-coming Spring Show. The Secretary reported a successful programme of outings and events during 2024 and promised an equally enjoyable social calendar for 2025.

The Chairman thanked all the members of the committee and encouraged other members to join in to support the Society, to ensure it continues for another hundred years ‘for our children and grandchildren.’ She spoke about the year to come with details of a celebration meal and a garden trail, to mention just two of the events planned to mark this Centenary year.

The Manchester Drive Allotment Society and the Leigh Floral Group gave their reports for the year.

The prize winners for the most Show points achieved during 2024, each receiving a silver cup to hold for this year, were loudly applauded.

The winners included: Sue Butcher, Linda Kemp, Nick Pugh, Sam Rakusen, Lesley Sammon, John Stratton, Gillian Warburton and, for the children’s classes, Heidi Benetto.

A new award category had been created this year in memory of Ivan Starkey, a long-time member of the Society’s committee. The cup was awarded to Chris Hey for the most points in the photography classes.

The nomination of long-standing Show Secretary Jill Crosby to become an Honorary Life Member of the Society was greeting with applause. Jill has worked extremely hard for the Society, setting up every show, supplying and manning the plant stall, and generally making sure every show runs smoothly from start to finish.

After refreshments, Chris Hey delighted the audience with a presentation of her photographs, taken at the Society’s shows, outings and events.

The next meeting of the Society will be a talk on how to encourage bees into your garden. This will be on Saturday March 8 at Leigh Road Baptist Church; doors open at 2.00pm; everyone is welcome. April will see the Spring Show (April 5) and an outing to to Kew Gardens (April 12).

Picture: Linda Kemp Cup Winner

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