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Leigh On Sea News: Address Dementia Now – THE New Year is a good time to make changes to our lives that can improve our well-being, mood, and health.
Address Dementia Now - THE New Year is a good time to make changes to our lives that can improve our well-being, mood, and health.
THE New Year is a good time to make changes to our lives that can improve our well-being, mood, and health.
Age Concern Southend can help with this with their new ‘Address Dementia Now’ programme. People from Leigh have asked Age Concern to deliver this close to them and so the organisation is going to be doing this in Leigh very soon.
The 12-week programme is aimed at people with mild to moderate dementia (diagnosed or not) and memory problems. The programme helps to maintain independence and slow the progression of Dementia, using the evidence-based programme of Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation therapy.
MCST is a unique, well established psychological therapy for people with dementia with clear evidence of benefits to cognition, quality of life and improvement to mood, confidence, memory, and mental ability. It also helps to reduce isolation and increase physical activity and create a sense of belonging.
The programme will include reality orientation, discussions including current affairs, gentle exercise, word and number games, quizzes , creative activities and reminiscence.
If you have, or know someone who would benefit from the programme and would like to find out some more information please email [email protected] or phone and speak to Ms Wilson on 01702 345373 or 07359 617654.
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