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LEIGH pet owners are being warned to be vigilant after dog owners have reported their dogs being poisoned in a Leigh park.

LEIGH pet owners are being warned to be vigilant after dog owners have reported their dogs being poisoned in a Leigh park.

LEIGH pet owners are being warned to be vigilant after dog owners have reported their dogs being poisoned in a Leigh park.

LEIGH pet owners are being warned to be vigilant after dog owners have reported their dogs being poisoned in a Leigh park.

The owners of a dog reported on social media that their pet had eaten something in Belfair’s Park Woods, which sadly resulted in the dog’s death.

Reports were also made of another dog who fell ill after eating something in the same woodland.

A Leigh resident on the social meeting group ‘Belfairs Babble’ said: “Do not let your dog off the lead in Belfairs Park Woods. Our dog may have devastating results from eating something.”

Independent councillor Keith Evans of Blenheim Ward was very worried after hearing these reports online.

He said: “I was a particularly concerned to hear about the recent poisoning of dogs in Belfairs Park.

“For any dog walker, when you’re out in the woods, inevitably your dog goes walking off because that’s what they do.

“We regularly walk our dog in both Belfairs Park woods and Blenheim Park. I am increasingly concerned by the latest report, and I know the terrible grief of losing a dog.”

Coun Evans, who is also chairman of Leigh Town Council, raised the issue with Police at a recent council meeting, and urged residents to be vigilant when they are out walking their pets.

He added: “I attended the Police meeting and shared the concerns with Essex Police.

“Whilst the poisonings are alleged occurrences, it does well for us all to remain vigilant”

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