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Leigh On Sea News. Back To School Postbox - LEIGH’S ‘Banksy’ has unveiled her latest post box topper creation.

Leigh On Sea News. Back To School Postbox – LEIGH’S ‘Banksy’ has unveiled her latest post box topper creation.

Back To School Postbox - LEIGH’S ‘Banksy’ has unveiled her latest post box topper creation.

LEIGH’S ‘Banksy’ has unveiled her latest post box topper creation.

Linda Catling, well-known for her seasonally themed Wolen creations, have created a post box topper in time for children’s return to school after the holidays.

The topper features school mice and lollipop people.

Posting the image online, Ms Catling, 74, said: “this is a back-to-school topper, and a salute to our lollipop ladies and men.”

Ms Catling first started her post-box toppers during the Covid-19 pandemic, with the onset of eyesight problems.

She has been knitting for more than 60 years.

“I wish the children good luck in going back to school,” Ms Catling added.

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