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Leigh On Sea News. Bank Site Application - A FIRM is seeking to establish a new venue for alcohol sales and music in an abandoned former bank in Leigh Broadway.

Leigh On Sea News. Bank Site Application – A FIRM is seeking to establish a new venue for alcohol sales and music in an abandoned former bank in Leigh Broadway.

Bank Site Application - A FIRM is seeking to establish a new venue for alcohol sales and music in an abandoned former bank in Leigh Broadway.

Leigh On Sea News. Bank Site Application - A FIRM is seeking to establish a new venue for alcohol sales and music in an abandoned former bank in Leigh Broadway.

Leigh On Sea News. Bank Site Application – A FIRM is seeking to establish a new venue for alcohol sales and music in an abandoned former bank in Leigh Broadway.

Leigh On Sea News. Bank Site Application – A FIRM is seeking to establish a new venue for alcohol sales and music in an abandoned former bank in Leigh Broadway.

Prologue Books Limited has applied for a premises license at 28 Broadway, permitting alcohol sales on and off-site from 9 am to 9 pm, along with various entertainment options like recorded music, live performances, and films within these hours.

The former HSBC site, vacated in 2020, has been reconfigured, with Home estate agents occupying 26 Broadway while refurbishment at 28 Broadway is already underway.

Local residents speculate that the new establishment may be an independent bookstore with a bar or café serving alcohol.

Southend Council will make the final decision on the application, and objections must be submitted by November 7.

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