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Thieves steal Leigh club’s boat trailer
A LEIGH Rowing club have been left devastated after their boat trailer was stolen.
A LEIGH Rowing club have been left devastated after their boat trailer was stolen.
Thieves broke into the Lower Thames Rowing Club (LTRC) on Two Tree Island and stole the boat trailer worth £5,000, and which is totally essential to tall their activities.
Founder Ron Sverdloff, 80, who lives in Leigh, said: “It’s really upsetting and we feel gutted to the bottom of our stomachs.”
The popular club frequently rows on the Thames and further afield, regularly attending both local and national races.
Their premises has a high security fence with double gates, and Mr Sverdloff believes the thieves cut the locks on the gates to gain access and steal the trailer, which can take a 24-foot boat.
He said: “I think it was stolen to order, and someone took it for someone else.
“We’ve been asking nearby clubs to keep an eye out and check their CCTV too.”
Mr Sverdloff explained the effect the theft will have on LTRC: “We are all really angry and it ruins our social lives and events we want to attend.
“We are very active and row across the UK, but also go abroad too and having this stolen will stop us doing that and reduce the number of members who attend the events.
“We have about 100 active members and it will stop us attending events as we cannot take larger boats and teams.
“I cannot understand why someone would want to steal it and I don’t think it’s of use to anyone else.
“It was made and designed specifically and will cost a minimum of £5,000 to replace and probably even more than that.
“We’ve had break-ins before and there does seem to be a bit of a security issue on the island. I am concerned about other things happening too.”
Anyone with any information is asked to call Essex Police on 101.
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