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A WESTCLIFF-based charity benefitted from a donation drive at Adventure Island.

A WESTCLIFF-based charity benefitted from a donation drive at Adventure Island.

A WESTCLIFF-based charity benefitted from a donation drive at Adventure Island.

A WESTCLIFF-based charity benefitted from a donation drive at Adventure Island.

Shannon, one of the Volunteer Committee at the theme park, owned by the Stockvale Group, suggested that staff Bring a Tin to be donated to people across the City via the St Vincent’s Centre.

Tins were collected at Adventure Island by Sabrina Bone of St Vincent’s Centre, who help the homeless by donating food and necessities.

James Miller, Operations Director of Stockvale, said: “We thank Shannon for her incredible idea of Bring a Tin, encouraging all to help with those who need that extra help.

“We plan to do this as often as we can, to do our bit for the community.

“Thank you to all of our contributors.”

Picture: James Miller, Sabrina Bone and Shannon.


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