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The exhibition opens on May 13, to showcase and sell their creations.
The exhibition opens on May 13, to showcase and sell their creations.
A GROUP of art and crafters who meet locally are to hold their next exhibition this May.
The Brush and Palette Art and Crafts Group, which was established in 1977, continues to meet every Wednesday evening at the Eastwood Memorial Hall.
The group suffered a decline in members during the pandemic, leaving the club at risk of closure.
Shelly Miller, who joined the group in 2017, took on the task of running the club to ensure it could continue for the community, and adds that they are looking for new members.
She said: “At 52 I was probably the youngest member at that time, after being introduced to the group in 2017.
“In 2021 the group held a meeting, which I attended and it quickly became clear that no one was able to commit to running the club anymore.”
Ms Miller explain why it was an important thing go her to try and keep the club going: “I had grown to love the nice friendly atmosphere at the club and felt accepted, even though I was one of only two people doing crafts, sitting amongst some really good artists.
“I have suffered with anxiety since childhood and knew I would not be the best person to run the
club, but I offered to keep it going. With the support of Mike as treasurer, Sheila as chairperson and
other members we have grown in numbers.”
The exhibition opens on May 13, to showcase and sell their creations.
Ms Miller added: “We would love to welcome new members of all abilities to learn from each other and also enjoy the social aspect of the club.
“We start the evening at 7.30pm till 9.30pm with a £1 entrance fee, which covers tea/coffee/biscuits at tea break.”
Anyone interested in joining the club should call Ms Miller on 07957116493.
Pictured: A painting by Alan, one of the older members, who is recovering from an operation
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