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Pan-disability football fundraiser honours teen with osteosarcoma

Pan-disability football fundraiser honours teen with osteosarcom 2

Pan-disability football fundraiser honours teen with osteosarcoma

Pan-disability football fundraiser honours teen with osteosarcoma

AN inclusive football club raised money for a Leigh-based charity that supports children with cancer.  Lancaster Lions FC took on the Aiden All Stars at an 11-a-side charity football match, raising £625 for Gold Geese.

The match was set up in honour of Woodham Ferrers lad Aiden Waller, who was diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma in February 2022.

Aiden underwent gruelling chemotherapy for months as well as an operation to remove his femur bone and knee and replace them with metal implants.

He is now in remission and while unable to walk since his operation last May, he is building up his leg muscle strength through physio and swimming and hopes to walk again, without the need for crutches.

In addition to arranging a family break to Legoland, Gold Geese bought Aidan a laptop to help him connect with his friends whilst in hospital.

Aidan has since gone on to write a soon-to-be-published children’s book on the laptop.

Sarah Waller, Aiden’s mums, said: “Gold Geese have helped us so much in the last year and we wanted to say thank you by fundraising for them with this match.

“They’ve been a huge emotional help for me, a place I can rant and talk openly about how I’m feeling and the challenges we’ve had – they just get it.

“This is the first of a few ways we want to help Gold Geese in return and pay it forward to other local families experiencing childhood cancer.”

Simon Best, manager of Lancaster Lions FC, said: “As a local football team at the heart of the community, we wanted to give back to such a worthwhile charity such as Gold Geese. I have followed Aiden’s journey and wanted to reach out to his Mum and see if there was anything we could do to help support the charity and Aiden.

“We want to make this a regular fixture on the football calendar for years to come, to help support Aiden and other youngsters.”

Katie Southgate, founder of Gold Geese, added: “Aiden’s resilience is phenomenal, he has been through a huge amount in a short space of time, and it’s amazing to see how the community has rallied around to support him and his family.

“We’re really grateful Aiden’s family nominated Gold Geese as the charity recipient for this match; we rely on community donations to do our work so we can be there every step of the way for every local family affected by childhood cancer.”

Donate to Aiden’s All Stars at:

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