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Leigh On Sea News. Chalkwell Knife Sweep - THE MP for Southend West joined Essex Police in a patrol and knife sweep of Chalkwell Park.

Leigh On Sea News. Chalkwell Knife Sweep – THE MP for Southend West joined Essex Police in a patrol and knife sweep of Chalkwell Park.

Chalkwell Knife Sweep - THE MP for Southend West joined Essex Police in a patrol and knife sweep of Chalkwell Park.

THE MP for Southend West joined Essex Police in a patrol and knife sweep of Chalkwell Park.

Police Officers were in the park as part of “Operation Community” which the Southend Community Policing Team’s operation to increase the police’s visible presence in the area.

This involves increased patrols, sweeps of areas where offensive weapons have previously been found and an increased capacity for communities to themselves report areas, which they consider to be unsafe.

Mrs Firth spoke to the local officers about their experience of patrolling the local area in order to better understand the day-to-day challenges of the communities’ police service and how she can best support them.

The police also brought a police van to the park, which local children enjoyed looking around and having their photos taken with.

Mrs Firth said: “It was a real pleasure to join Essex Police on one of their regular patrols of the beautiful and enormously important local asset: Chalkwell Park.

“Of course, I knew already how dedicated, friendly and engaged our local police officers were, but it was fantastic to meet up with them in person, see first-hand the amazing job they do and even step into their shoes myself.

“One of my three big priorities is making Southend safer and engaging with the police is absolutely key to achieving that.

“I’m very glad that Operation Community is delivering and that there is an increased police presence in areas where problems have been known to occur. Having our police out on patrol and talking to local people not only gives them another opportunity to root out offensive weapons, but also generally improves public confidence and deters criminal activity.

“I will always, as the local MP, be engaged with our local police operation and I was delighted to do that once again in Chalkwell.

“I want to thank all the officers who came out with me for their hard work and continued commitment to our community”

Picture: Anna Firth MP with Police Officers in Chalkwell Park as part of “Operation Community”.

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