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Leigh On Sea News: Child Abuser Convicted - A WESTCLIFF man has been convicted of violently assaulting a two-year-old girl, leaving her with life-changing brain injuries.

Leigh On Sea News: Child Abuser Convicted – A WESTCLIFF man has been convicted of violently assaulting a two-year-old girl, leaving her with life-changing brain injuries.

Child Abuser Convicted - A WESTCLIFF man has been convicted of violently assaulting a two-year-old girl, leaving her with life-changing brain injuries.

A WESTCLIFF man has been convicted of violently assaulting a two-year-old girl, leaving her with life-changing brain injuries.

 Kiernan Hughes-Mason was charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent and child cruelty after the girl was found with serious injuries at an address in Westcliff in January 2020.

 During the case the prosecution barrister referred to one doctor’s assessment of the child’s injuries as comparable to ‘a high-speed road traffic accident’ or ‘a fall from a substantial height of several storeys’.

 On 31 January 2020 Kiernan Hughes-Mason called paramedics while responsible for his ex-partner’s two-year-old daughter.

 While downstairs he claimed he heard a loud bang from her bedroom and believed when he entered the room she had fallen on a dollhouse, leaving her conscious but unresponsive.

 The East of England Ambulance Service arrived within nine minutes of the call and rushed the child to Southend General Hospital.

 Her injuries were so severe she was placed in an induced coma and taken to Great Ormond Street Hospital for further treatment.

 Doctors identified 17 different injuries to her legs, back face and chest, believed to have occurred between October 2019 and the assault in January 2020, when she was taken to hospital.

 She remained in a coma for 14 days and suffered life-changing brain injuries, which means she needs 24-hour care.

 In the days leading up to the incident, Hughes-Mason sent multiple messages to others stating how angry caring for his partner’s two-year-old daughter made him, saying ‘she’s actually getting on my nerves’, and ‘I’m gonna hit her’. 

 Hughes-Mason, 28 at the time of the incident, of Ramuz Drive, was arrested on 14 February 2020 in connection with the incident. 

 A three-week trial at Basildon Crown Court began on August 5, and on Wednesday 21 August, after five hours of deliberation, the jury found Hughes-Mason guilty of both charges.

 The prosecution barrister made a damning case of Hughes-Mason’s actions as they closed their case, saying:

 “The experts are all unanimously of the view that the child’s devastating head and brain injuries could not have been caused accidentally while she was alone in her room.”

 They added: “In respect of the head and brain injury that the child suffered… the experts all agree that the pattern of injuries found is consistent with the child having been vigorously shaken… with her head likely being hit against a hard surface.

 “The only explanation for the pattern of injuries suffered by the child was that they were inflicted by this defendant and inflicted deliberately.”

“He has been held accountable for what he did.”

 The family of the victim commented: “We finally have a verdict and that man is now held accountable for what he did to our little girl. 

 “We have had to go through what no family should ever have to experience, and our girl is going to bear the consequences of what he has done to her for the rest of her life”. 

 Hughes-Mason will be sentenced on Tuesday 10 September at Basildon Crown Court.

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