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Leigh On Sea News: Commemoration Celebratory Dinner - SATURDAY October 21 saw Anna Firth, MP for Southend West, attend a celebratory dinner on board the Essex Yacht Club’s HQS Wilton in commemoration of Admiral Lord Nelson’s victory over the French and Spanish Fleets at Cape Trafalgar.

Leigh On Sea News: Commemoration Celebratory Dinner – SATURDAY October 21 saw Anna Firth, MP for Southend West, attend a celebratory dinner on board the Essex Yacht Club’s HQS Wilton in commemoration of Admiral Lord Nelson’s victory over the French and Spanish Fleets at Cape Trafalgar.

Commemoration Celebratory Dinner - SATURDAY October 21 saw Anna Firth, MP for Southend West, attend a celebratory dinner on board the Essex Yacht Club’s HQS Wilton in commemoration of Admiral Lord Nelson’s victory over the French and Spanish Fleets at Cape Trafalgar.

SATURDAY October 21 saw Anna Firth, MP for Southend West, attend a celebratory dinner on board the Essex Yacht Club’s HQS Wilton in commemoration of Admiral Lord Nelson’s victory over the French and Spanish Fleets at Cape Trafalgar.

The supper was cooked and served by the sea scouts, who delivered a delicious meal, speeches and sea shanties to fund raise for Scouting at 3rd Chalkwell Bay in celebration of Leigh’s proud maritime heritage, past and present.

Les Davies, the Group President, was in attendance aged 92, and Lt Colonel Chris Daly RN delivered a wonderful speech. Supported by Marcus Dean, Laurence Dennis and Karen Cruiks, the event was highly successful.

Ms Firth said: “I was delighted to be invited to such a wonderful celebration of one of Britain – and Southend’s – proudest naval moments. The sea scouts did a wonderful job, delivering a wonderful meal with incredible care and efficiency.

“I am so proud of Leigh’s maritime heritage.”

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