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Leigh On Sea News: Community Centre Take-over - LEIGH Town Council has confirmed it is looking into taking ownership of the Leigh community centre from Southend Council, to save thousands of pounds in rent.

Leigh On Sea News: Community Centre Take-over – LEIGH Town Council has confirmed it is looking into taking ownership of the Leigh community centre from Southend Council, to save thousands of pounds in rent.

Community Centre Take-over - LEIGH Town Council has confirmed it is looking into taking ownership of the Leigh community centre from Southend Council, to save thousands of pounds in rent.

LEIGH Town Council has confirmed it is looking into taking ownership of the Leigh community centre from Southend Council, to save thousands of pounds in rent.

Residents have responded to the news with concerns that the building “could be run into the ground or sold off”.

Leigh Town Council leader Bernard Arscott has however dismissed worries that the building could be sold, and explained that they were in talks with the council about potentially taking over the building to save it as a community resource.

Coun Arscott reportedly said: “We’re looking at renegotiating the lease to save us money and potentially talking to the (City) council about whether we can actually take the building over directly so we don’t have to pay anything on it at all.

“That would be really good news and would put money back into services, which we provide as a council.

“We have had early discussions with city council. At present, we pay a nominal rent to the city council, but if they do that then it’s something that would benefit the residents of Leigh. It would secure the long-term future of the centre as well.

“It would be our building, our property and there would be no risk of anything happening to it.

“That would allow us to do more. That money currently allocated to paying rent, that’s several thousand pounds a year would then go back into the budget for doing other things.”

The centre is a well-used local venue, with rooms uses for children’s activities, lessons, pre-school classes, charity events and fitness classes.

Southend Council leader Tony Cox reportedly confirmed he had received communication from Leigh Town Council about the purchase of the building.

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