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Leigh On Sea News: Consultation On Devolution - THE Government has launched a consultation on Greater Essex devolution, which will have a direct impact on the residents of Southend City.

Leigh On Sea News: Consultation On Devolution – THE Government has launched a consultation on Greater Essex devolution, which will have a direct impact on the residents of Southend City.

Consultation On Devolution - THE Government has launched a consultation on Greater Essex devolution, which will have a direct impact on the residents of Southend City.

THE Government has launched a consultation on Greater Essex devolution, which will have a direct impact on the residents of Southend City.

The consultation is being run by the Government’s Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) department, and is taking place from 17th February to 13th April 2025.

Coun Daniel Cowan, Leader of Southend City Council, said: “This is a major milestone in our devolution journey, and an important opportunity for everyone in the local area to have their say about devolution proposals for Greater Essex.

“The consultation is open to residents, businesses, community and voluntary groups, and other organisations in Greater Essex and I would urge everyone to have their say.”

Information about the consultation is available at:

To take part in the consultation visit:

Local Government reorganisation is also being discussed across the county, but this is a separate process and is not part of this Government consultation.

The consultation follows an announcement by the Deputy Prime Minister on 5th February when a major package of devolution was announced, with six new areas confirmed to join the government’s Devolution Priority Programme: Cumbria, Cheshire & Warrington, Norfolk & Suffolk, Greater Essex, Sussex & Brighton and Hampshire & the Solent.

The Devolution Priority Programme will provide a fast-track to mayoral devolution – aiming to see a new wave of mayoral elections in May 2026.

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