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Leigh On Sea News: Council Meeting Suspended - STUNNED members of the public were left to see themselves out of the latest Leigh Town Council (LTC) meeting, after Chairman Bernard Arscott responded to interruptions from a member of the public, by suspending the meeting.

Leigh On Sea News: Council Meeting Suspended – STUNNED members of the public were left to see themselves out of the latest Leigh Town Council (LTC) meeting, after Chairman Bernard Arscott responded to interruptions from a member of the public, by suspending the meeting.

Council Meeting Suspended - STUNNED members of the public were left to see themselves out of the latest Leigh Town Council (LTC) meeting, after Chairman Bernard Arscott responded to interruptions from a member of the public, by suspending the meeting.

STUNNED members of the public were left to see themselves out of the latest Leigh Town Council (LTC) meeting, after Chairman Bernard Arscott responded to interruptions from a member of the public, by suspending the meeting.

Although the Police were called, members of the public had left the Community Centre without incident, before they arrived.

At the point where financial matters were to be discussed, the meeting, which is ‘open to the public’ rather than being ‘a public meeting’, was halted and councillors reconvened in private.

The decision to exclude the public comes after councillors have repeatedly faced vocal hostility at previous meetings, however, despite this meeting being less raucous than recent meetings, it was still rowdy.

The decision to remove the public, a clear demonstration of the chairman’s authority, reestablishes the fact that members of the public are allowed to sit in on full council meetings, but may only participate at given times, or at the Chair’s discretion.

Some council business had been conducted prior to the adjournment, including a spirited update from City councillor Steven Aylen, but the more contentious matters of the Council’s 2024/2025 Budget, including Precept request, were passed without the public present.

The budget documents, can be found on the LTC website under the section entitled 2023/24 Agendas & Minutes, located along with the agenda for January 16.

To view video of the meeting visit and search: @MarkLeighOnSeaNews or

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