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Leigh On Sea News: Council Tax Up – ROCHFORD District Council says the latest Council budget ‘includes significant investment in services and assets for the coming year and beyond.’
Council Tax Up – ROCHFORD District Council says the latest Council budget ‘includes significant investment in services and assets for the coming year and beyond.’
ROCHFORD District Council says the latest Council budget ‘includes significant investment in services and assets for the coming year and beyond.’
A statement issued by the council said: “Investing in our play areas, investing in our leisure centres, and investing in our cultural assets like Rayleigh Windmill, Freight House and Mill Hall are all part of a budget package for not just the coming year, but over the next five years as Rochford District Council set its budget at a meeting of Full Council this week (Tuesday 18 February).
“The budget set out how the Council intends to manage the increasing cost of delivering vital services and be prepared for external financial pressures, whilst still being able to invest, maintain and develop council services over the coming year and beyond.
“Overall, a balanced budget with no borrowing was agreed by councillors, along with the Council Tax proposal for 2025/26 and Fees and Charges for the coming financial year.
“To maintain and invest in vital services, the Rochford District Council element of Council Tax will increase by 2.95% for 2025/26. This equates to a charge of a Band D property increasing by £7.66 a year to £267.66 per annum for Rochford District Council services. This increase is largely in line with District councils across Essex.
“The Council’s agreed Medium Term Financial Strategy includes a five-year investment programme that supports the whole district, including the Freight House. This ensures the required funding is available to cover proposals that will come forward for interim and future use of the building at the Strategy, Finance & Policy Committee in the near future.
“Also included is continued investment in the Mill Arts & Events Centre. The funds allocated are aimed at bringing the building back into good repair and will form part of the overall business plan and options for the future of the building and its important role in Rayleigh.
“Other planned investments over the next 5 years include:
£1,500,000 to invest in our assets, including the Freight House
£1,000,000 towards replacing Play Equipment across the District;
£786,000 investment to improve the Council’s leisure centres;
£298,000 for the replacement of fleet vehicles;
£250,000 on IT improvements;
£211,000 for the Rayleigh Windmill, Rayleigh Grange Community Centre, and other works;
£110,000 for street lighting;
£100,000 for Heritage and Cultural Assets works”
Coun James Newport, Leader of Rochford District Council and Chair of the Strategy, Finance & Policy Committee said: “Financially, the Council is in a good position, where we have set a balanced budget that requires no borrowing.
“Whilst this is a great position to be in, it doesn’t happen by accident – it is what we have planned and prepared for.
“We want residents to see their money is being spent wisely and put to good use – and our additional investments are in areas we know matter to them, like our play areas, leisure centres and cultural assets. I hope this budget also shows the commitment of our Administration to secure the future of the Freight House, which we see as an important cultural asset in the District.
“We acknowledge the uncertainty around what local government reorganisation will mean for our council in the future. That is why we are reallocating the £1.5m ringfenced in our capital budget for our HQ relocation to an asset and investment budget, so we are ready to fund future proposals that arise from our Asset Strategy to ensure our residents have great local and sustainable facilities.”
Picture: Councillor James Newport, Leader of Rochford District Council and Chair of the Strategy, Finance & Policy Committee.
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