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Leigh On Sea News: Cultural Programme Celebrates – A CULTURAL heritage programme in South East Essex, who run events in Rochford, has celebrated its biggest year on record, as it announced an exciting listing of events for 2024.
Cultural Programme Celebrates - A CULTURAL heritage programme in South East Essex, who run events in Rochford, has celebrated its biggest year on record, as it announced an exciting listing of events for 2024.
A CULTURAL heritage programme in South East Essex, who run events in Rochford, has celebrated its biggest year on record, as it announced an exciting listing of events for 2024.
The Orchard Cultural Heritage Programme, organised by the Essex Cultural Diversity, has devised its annual programme that offers opportunities for creatives, local charities, community groups, town and parish councils to celebrate the Rochford district.
A highlight of the year was African storytelling and drumming with Usifu Jalloh, held at the Rochford Women’s Institute Hall in December, which closed the programme for the year.
Plans are now up and running to start the programme again with a fayre on September 28, 2024
A spokesman for Orchard said: “Thank you to all our creatives, partners, participants, volunteers and audiences.
“2023 has been a good year for the district culturally with many new initiatives getting going including markets and creative events, let’s keep it all going in 2024.
“If you want to speak to us about next year, or have ideas you would like to see happen – then get in touch, arts, literature, music, film, local heritage, environment, food and drink, we are interested in all of it.
“A big thank you to our funders – Arts Council England and UK Shared Prosperity Fund, through Rochford District Council.”
Picture: Usifu Jalloh at an event in Rochford.
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