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Leigh On Sea News: Cycling Health Grant - A COMMUNITY organisation in Hadleigh has received £15,000 worth of funding to help promote healthy lifestyles.

Leigh On Sea News: Cycling Health Grant – A COMMUNITY organisation in Hadleigh has received £15,000 worth of funding to help promote healthy lifestyles.

Cycling Health Grant - A COMMUNITY organisation in Hadleigh has received £15,000 worth of funding to help promote healthy lifestyles.

A COMMUNITY organisation in Hadleigh has received £15,000 worth of funding to help promote healthy lifestyles.

Hadleigh Park Cycles in Castle Point received funding as part of Essex County Council’s Public Health Accelerator Bids small grant’s programme.

The money will be used to train and fund a part time community development officer.

Hadleigh Park Cycles will partner with NHS organisations, the Salvation Army and local schools to promote and provide activities that support healthy lifestyle choices.

Other organisations will be able to signpost people with poor physical or mental health to activities.

Gwen Cook of Hadleigh Park Cycles commented: “we are really excited to receive the £15,000.

“By funding a community development officer, we can be more proactive in promoting the benefits of cycling and walking, and target the people who need it most.

“This funding is absolutely essential to make out plan for the future a reality.”

Picture: The Hadleigh Park Cycles group

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