Drug dealers jailed 2

Paul Dymock and David Verner (Pic: Essex Police)

RAYLEIGH drug dealers who ran a tattoo parlour in the town have been jailed after £29,000 of drugs were seized by Essex Police.  

Paul Dymock and David Verner were jailed for 45 months and 36 months respectively following an investigation carried out by Essex Police’s serious and organised crime unit.

Acting on intelligence, officers watched Verner enter a home in Elm Drive, Rayleigh at about 2.45pm on August 16, 2022.

 The property in Elm Drive belonged to his business partner Dymock, who ran a tattoo parlour in Rayleigh Lanes with Verner.

Verner left the property about an hour later carrying a blue bag, and got into a blue Renault Megane.

 He was stopped by officers very shortly after, in London Road, and his vehicle was searched, where officers found 220g of cocaine and a quantity of cannabis bud, as well as large number of empty deal bags.

Verner was then arrested.

As that vehicle stop was being carried out, officers were also executing a warrant at Dymock’s home. He was arrested after officers found cocaine, cannabis and MDMA tablets.

His phone was also seized and when examined was found to contain a significant number of messages in which Dymock spoke about selling “white”, “tickets”, “weed” and “pills etc”.

A warrant was also executed at Verner’s home, in Thorney Bay caravan park, Canvey, where officers found a significant quantity of ketamine, MDMA and cannabis.

 They also recovered weapons, including knuckle dusters.

Verner, 48, and Dymock, 51, were subsequently charged with two counts of possession with intent to supply Class A drugs and two counts of possession with intent to supply Class B drugs.

Dymock was also charged with possession of an offensive weapon.

Both men admitted the charges and were sentenced on Tuesday December 20 at Southend Crown Court.

A proceeds of crime hearing will take place in due course.

Leo Fordham, detective sergeant, who led the investigation, said: “Verner and Dymock believed they could supply drugs on the streets of Essex, but they were wrong.

“They were unaware we had been building an overwhelming case against them so that when they were arrested and charged, they had very few options but to admit their guilt.

“They have now been sentenced and all the drugs recovered have been seized and destroyed.

“I have no doubt that south Essex is a safer place with both men in prison.”

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