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Leigh News. Letter from: Coun Aston Line, Councillor for Westborough Ward on Southend City Council.  El Galleon will be moored up at the end of Southend Pier until Sunday June 4.

Leigh News. Letter from: Coun Aston Line, Councillor for Westborough Ward on Southend City Council.  El Galleon will be moored up at the end of Southend Pier until Sunday June 4.

Letter from: Coun Aston Line, Councillor for Westborough Ward on Southend City Council.  El Galleon will be moored up at the end of Southend Pier until Sunday June 4.

Letter from: Coun Aston Line, Councillor for Westborough Ward on Southend City Council.  El Galleon will be moored up at the end of Southend Pier until Sunday June 4.

SIR, growing up, I always wanted to be an explorer. I used to read endless books about adventurers like Sir Francis Drake, travelling the world and discovering the great unknown. Standing aboard such an authentic replica 17th Century galleon immediately catapulted me back to my childhood. I feel so lucky to have taken part in this.

El Galleon looks truly magnificent moored up at the end of Southend Pier. It’s is a fantastic day out for the whole family, and I highly recommend that residents take advantage of this great opportunity before the ship hoists anchor and sets sail.

Picture by Gaz de Vere.


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