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Leigh On Sea News: Elms Ward Candidate Mr Evans – A LEIGH Town Councillor is due to be elected in the Elms Ward of Leigh in a poll that will take place on Thursday, August 15.
Elms Ward Candidate Mr Evans - A LEIGH Town Councillor is due to be elected in the Elms Ward of Leigh in a poll that will take place on Thursday, August 15.
A LEIGH Town Councillor is due to be elected in the Elms Ward of Leigh in a poll that will take place on Thursday, August 15.
Votes can be cast at the Leigh Wesley Church Hall, Elm Road, Leigh and the Glendale Room, West Leigh Baptist Church, 1150 London Road, Leigh.
Three candidates will be standing. The Leigh On Sea News asked each candidate to write around 500 words outlining their ideas and why local residents should vote for them. Keith Evans, one of the candidates provided us with the following:
In 2018, I became a Leigh Town Councillor representing the residents of Elms Ward. I remained a councillor until last year when, unfortunately, I lost my seat at the local election. It was always my intention to regain a seat on the council, and having been approached by many residents, I vowed to seek re-election at the first opportunity.
During my time on the Council, I was very proactive, supporting events and attending meetings. I have continued to attend meetings as a year in politics can be a long time, and I felt it essential to keep myself abreast of what was happening.
As Chairman of the Council in 2022/23, it was an honour to represent the residents of Leigh at various local and city functions. Also, as part of this role, I raised £4,000 for my chosen charity, Gold Geese, a Leigh-based charity supporting children with cancer. This was achieved by organising and hosting fundraising events at the community centre and in Leigh. This figure was four times as much as anyone had previously raised. It also brought the community together for events, which included a barn dance, Oompah night, and child-focused activities. The generosity and support of the residents were phenomenal.
In previous articles that I have contributed, I have made it clear that I believe party politics can get in the way of serving the residents, which is why I have never belonged to or aligned myself with a political group or party while serving as a councillor both at Leigh Town Council and as a Southend City Councillor. This is why I promote myself and am recognised as being ‘truly Independent.’
As a former School Business Manager, I have a full understanding of accounting and financial procedures, including procurement. I also recognise that organisations need to adhere to policies, procedures, and protocols to safeguard public money. I will ensure these are adhered to.
I believe having already served on Leigh Town Council and undertaken councillor training courses has given me a full understanding of how things should work, and I feel with my historical knowledge, it should enable me to dispel any misconceptions, myths, and misunderstandings.
I have continued to support Leigh Town Council events at the community centre as a volunteer, serving at the over-60s club and performing with the Ray Miso Trio for special events.
My mantra has always been ‘Jaw Jaw’ not ‘War War’ in holding others to account to achieve the best outcomes for residents.
My main pledges are:
– To ensure the Council acts with honesty, transparency, and integrity.
– To keep the community centre under the control of the council for use by the community.
– To communicate with and treat residents with respect.
– To ensure activities and community events take place and are inclusive and affordable for all.
– To protect the interests of the community and the town.
If elected, I will continue to put residents first, ensuring the best outcomes for Leigh as a Truly Independent Councillor.
Picture: Keith Evans.
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