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Leigh On Sea News: Elms Ward Candidate MR Wexham – A LEIGH Town Councillor is due to be elected in the Elms Ward of Leigh in a poll that will take place on Thursday, August 15.
Elms Ward Candidate MR Wexham - A LEIGH Town Councillor is due to be elected in the Elms Ward of Leigh in a poll that will take place on Thursday, August 15.
A LEIGH Town Councillor is due to be elected in the Elms Ward of Leigh in a poll that will take place on Thursday, August 15.
Votes can be cast at the Leigh Wesley Church Hall, Elm Road, Leigh and the Glendale Room, West Leigh Baptist Church, 1150 London Road, Leigh.
Three candidates will be standing. The Leigh On Sea News asked each candidate to write around 500 words outlining their ideas and why local residents should vote for them. Peter Wexham, one of the candidates provided us with the following:
THE last year or so has seen troubling times at Leigh Town Council.
This once proud institution, working for the good of Leigh and its residents is being stifled by politics… and it shouldn’t be.
The Conservative group seem to be tearing it apart.
There’s very little being done across the town, money is being wasted on staffing and legal issues that have blighted it since the Conservative group took control.
The Conservatives seem to be destroying it from the inside, losing staff and bookings for the Community Centre – their track record speaks for itself.
This chaos needs to stop. We need to get the Council back on track, doing good things for Leigh.
I have decided to stand in the Elms Ward By Election to try and bring some stability and organisation back to the Council.
This By Election was caused by one of the Conservative group resigning. However, like the song ‘ten green bottles’ three more have now resigned – we now need local people that will work together across the Council to take control for the good of Leigh.
There are now other vacancies in Elm Ward, Thames Ward & Highlands Ward.
If local, independent people can get elected, I believe that Leigh Town Council can once again be run for the good of the town.
With so many seats now up for grabs, we can adjust the balance of power and finally get things done.
So far this year, the Council Chairman has made himself the Chief Officer, Health & safety Officer and spokesperson for Finance.
When questions are put to him, he never gives an answer – Â just non-answers. The chairs of committees are just the same – no answers, no solution and no hope if things are allowed to go on like this.
Members of the public are treated with contempt with discussions controlled and a lack of papers or agendas for the public to view.
I have spent my life trying to get the best for Leigh and what is taking place at Leigh Town Council is not in anyone’s interest, so the fightback needs to start now.
I have vast experience and contacts across the City, having served 33 years as a councillor for Leigh.
I have always worked for Leigh and the natural Environment which Leigh has a lot of – from the Foreshore to Belfairs woods and all the green space in between.
I would like to be given the opportunity to continue with this work, doing what’s best for the town and putting local people and issues at the top of the agenda.
The choice is simple – Â we need to take the Council back to where it was prior to Conservative control and get working on what matters – LEIGH.
If we don’t take back control, the Conservative group will ruin all the hard work that has been put in over the years, by some many upstanding people of our town.
Please give me the opportunity to help redress the balance at Leigh Town Council – I promise I will get things done.
Picture: Peter Wexham.
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