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Leigh On Sea News: Elms Ward Candidate Ms Willoughby – A LEIGH Town Councillor is due to be elected in the Elms Ward of Leigh in a poll that will take place on Thursday August 15.
Elms Ward Candidate Ms Willoughby - A LEIGH Town Councillor is due to be elected in the Elms Ward of Leigh in a poll that will take place on Thursday August 15.
A LEIGH Town Councillor is due to be elected in the Elms Ward of Leigh in a poll that will take place on Thursday, August 15.
Votes can be cast at the Leigh Wesley Church Hall, Elm Road, Leigh and the Glendale Room, West Leigh Baptist Church, 1150 London Road, Leigh.
Three candidates will be standing. The Leigh On Sea News asked each candidate to write around 500 words outlining their ideas and why local residents should vote for them. Cate Willoughby, one of the candidates provided us with the following:
Hi, I’m Cate. I’m a precept payer, local volunteer and mum, whose children spend A LOT of time at Leigh Community Centre.
When I first heard what was happening at Leigh Town Council (LTC), I couldn’t believe it. I attended a meeting in September and was blown away by the lack of financial accountability and the disregard shown to residents, independent councillors and staff.
Since September, I have worked hard to bring this to wider notice. Already, I have
Worked with others to create a poster campaign;
Organised a petition with over 2,000 signatories;
Spoken at Southend City Council about the issue;
Organised the Annual Town Council Meeting; and
Most recently, written to the external auditor who, I hope, will investigate the financials.
If I am voted in as your councillor, there’s more I can do:
I have over 25 years’ experience in Finance and HR, being a Chartered Accountant and previously the European Finance Head for a publicly-listed Private Equity firm;
I’ve reported into MPs, royalty and CEOs;
I know how to run meetings and how to work with others, even when you disagree;
I will ensure community projects are well-run. As a volunteer, I was pivotal in helping structure £600,000 of funding for HARP’s Bluebird Project. In the words of a colleague, ‘This wouldn’t have got done without Cate.’
Most importantly, I care.
I want to:
Shore up the wonderful over-60s club and community transport scheme. They need more advertisement and commitment;
Manage our allotments better – LTC is not responsible for tree-planting or grass verges; that’s the City Council. But the allotments are a vital green space in Leigh and LTC receives money to support them. We must provide this.
Get planning meetings back on track. Over-development is an issue for our local community but, as I write this, LTC have cancelled yet another planning meeting. We have to return to giving Southend City Council valuable counsel into local developments.
I want a return to integrity and residents’ questions answered. If you write to me – I will get back to you. But we need more than a return to Gold Standard, we need new ideas, a fresh perspective and energy for the future too.
As a new councillor, I will
Improve services provided to children.
Introduce more events for SEND families
Provide more for our older citizens, such as a breakfast social and carers’ support. Last year, LTC’s expenditure on consultancy fees over-ran by £65,000. Money should be spent on low-cost community events NOT consultants.
I love Leigh and what I love most about Leigh is our community. I am an independent candidate and will put ‘people over politics.’ But don’t just take that from me – in the words of a former colleague and Elms Ward Resident;
‘Having worked closely with you in your former role, I know you to be dedicated, intelligent and passionate about what you believe in! Get out and vote everyone!’
Vote Cate Willoughby on 15th August.
Thank you for reading this.
Picture: Cate Willoughby.
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