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Leigh On Sea News. Forgotten Environmental Promises - Letter from: Peter Wexham Leigh ward Councillor and Environmentalist.

Leigh On Sea News. Forgotten Environmental Promises – Letter from: Peter Wexham Leigh ward Councillor and Environmentalist.

Forgotten Environmental Promises - Letter from: Peter Wexham Leigh ward Councillor and Environmentalist.

Letter from: Peter Wexham Leigh ward Councillor and Environmentalist.

SIR, since the by elections both the main parties are now ditching the environmental targets to try to get more MPs elected.

This is history repeating itself as “Nero fiddled whist Rome burnt” They are doing this whilst at the same time the world is burning causing more carbon into the atmosphere.

The by election in Boris`s old seat over the extension of the clean air zone, which is or was Tory policy directed by DEFRA to clean up the air to help reduce the amount of children getting sick and people dying before their time.

The Government seem to have forgotten that on the Brexit Bus was written all these millions of pounds saved from Europe would go to the NHS every year instead of Europe.

What happened to that promise, they don’t talk about the £50 Billion that they voted to write off after the Trust fiasco and all the costs of mortgages & borrowing that has gone up so much, but just keep saying they are on the side of working people who have all been made over 20% poorer under the Tory Government.

Where are all the environmental promises that were made saying if we do the right thing others will follow our lead.

Europe and the USA have left us behind without a plan. There has been a British battery scheme go bankrupt with no help from the Government and another Giga factory struggling and all the Government have done is given the Indian Company TATA massive guarantees to build a battery factory.

All the windmills are owned and made abroad and assembled in this country and all the profits end up abroad, as do the water companies as well as everything else. As MacMillian said they are selling the family Silver and Britain is being left behind.

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