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Leigh On Sea News: Fossetts Farm Discussions – COUNCILLORS will discuss the latest on the proposed development of land at Fossetts Farm
Fossetts Farm Discussions - COUNCILLORS will discuss the latest on the proposed development of land at Fossetts Farm
COUNCILLORS will discuss the latest on the proposed development of land at Fossetts Farm, and the steps needed for the exchange of contracts (Policy and Resources Scrutiny, 16th December and Cabinet 19th December).
Moving forwards will enable the delivery of new housing and then payments to be made to COSU (Custodians of Southend United), the new owners of Southend United Football Club (SUFC), out of the profits from the development. These payments to COSU would enable their redevelopment of the current stadium at Roots Hall.
Councillors will hear that since June 2024 when the proposed transaction did not pass the due diligence required, discussions had reopened with Citizen Housing LLP and gone positively, resulting in a redesign of the proposed type and scale of housing at Fossetts Farm, along with a significant reduction from approximately 1300 to 805 homes – with 318 in the first phase followed by two further phases. Other changes include:
A move away from large blocks of apartments to a high proportion of single-family homes, all of which would still be for rent for the long term.
A reduction in the proposed lease lengths from 55 to 52.5 years for phase 1 and from 55 to 50 years for phases 2 and 3.
Adjustments in the Council’s favour to the rent review cap and collar protections.
Coun Daniel Cowan, leader of the council said: “Since I became Leader, I have been committed to safeguarding the future of Southend United Football Club and ensuring we protect the financial interest of the council and local taxpayers.
“I am really pleased that such good progress has been made on this vital piece of work and that the new proposal is more positive for the council and local community. This has been extremely complex for many years and I want to thank officers for all their hard work and dedication in getting this to where we are now.
“I look forward to discussing this with other councillors and progressing the scheme.”
Coun Kevin Robinson, cabinet member for regeneration, major projects, and regulatory services, added: “I am pleased that we have reached this stage, but there will still be much to do, including a new planning application for Fossetts Farm and subsequent phases would also be the subject of reserved matters applications in due course at the relevant times.
“Whilst all parties want to see housing delivery as soon as possible, it is likely that the planning process will take much of 2025 with a start on site possible in 2026, subject to market conditions.
“It is estimated that the scheme will take 4 to 6 years from start on site.”
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