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Leigh On Sea News. Fundraiser For RBL – A CHARITY event saw hundreds of pounds donated to the Royal British Legion.
Fundraiser For RBL - A CHARITY event saw hundreds of pounds donated to the Royal British Legion.
A CHARITY event saw hundreds of pounds donated to the Royal British Legion.
Hockley Royal British Legion (RBL) branch and Rochford Air Gun Club (RAGC) members Tony Royer and Dave Angel held a charity shotting event, which saw £730 raised.
All proceeds from the event will be going to the charity’s Poppy Appeal, the RBL’s largest annual fundraising campaign.
The club handed over the cheque to The Branch Chairman and Poppy Appeal Organiser in a special evening.
A spokesperson for RBL said: “Thank you RAGC for a fantastic effort in supporting The Poppy Appeal.
“The cheque took Hockley Branch’s total for the 2022-23 Poppy Appeal above the £24,000 mark with six weeks left in the collection year.”
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