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Leigh On Sea News. Garden Fence Fire - FIREFIGHTERS were called to a garden fence fire in Leigh caused by an overturned incinerator.

Leigh On Sea News. Garden Fence Fire – FIREFIGHTERS were called to a garden fence fire in Leigh caused by an overturned incinerator.

Garden Fence Fire - FIREFIGHTERS were called to a garden fence fire in Leigh caused by an overturned incinerator.

FIREFIGHTERS were called to a garden fence fire in Leigh caused by an overturned incinerator.

The emergency call brought a crew from Leigh to Stone Hill Road on the evening of Saturday, October 7.

Upon their arrival, the firefighters encountered a fully engulfed fence.

Employing a hose reel jet, they successfully extinguished the flames, by 9.51 pm.

Watch Manager Ian Randall commended on his team’s swift response, preventing the fire from spreading to nearby structures.

He said: “When we arrived, we found three fence panels fully alight.

“The crew did a great job at putting the fire out quickly to stop it from spreading to anything else.

“The fire was caused by an incinerator that had accidentally been tipped over near the fence.”

He cautioned against using incinerators near houses, garages, fences, overhead cables, trees, and shrubs to avoid such incidents, emphasizing the importance of safety, adding: “Please be careful when using anything like an incinerator to keep it well away from your house, garage, fences, overhead cables, trees and shrubs.”

A spokesman added: “If you’re planning to have an outdoor fire, please follow our safety advice. Site the fire well away from houses, garages, sheds, fences, overhead cables, trees and shrubs.

“Never leave the fire burning unattended

“Build the stack so that it is stable and will not collapse outwards or to one side. Never use flammable liquids such as paraffin or petrol to light the fire. Don’t burn foam-filled furniture, aerosols, tins of paint and bottles.

“Keep everyone away from the fire – especially children, who must be supervised at all times.

“Pour water on the embers before leaving.”

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