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Leigh On Sea News: ‘Good’ Ofsted Result – A LOCAL MP has praised a popular Secondary School for achieving a ‘Good’ rating from OFSTED, despite a very challenging year.
‘Good’ Ofsted Result - A LOCAL MP has praised a popular Secondary School for achieving a ‘Good’ rating from OFSTED, despite a very challenging year.
A LOCAL MP has praised a popular Secondary School for achieving a ‘Good’ rating from OFSTED, despite a very challenging year.
Rayleigh and Wickford MP, Mark Francois, visited the King Edmund School (KES) in his constituency recently, to congratulate them on their achievement.
He discussed the outcome with the Chairman of Governors, Mr Malcolm Macdonald and Deputy Headteacher (Curriculum) Mr John Fuller. The school has had to overcome the discovery of reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) in its main teaching block, which then had to be demolished, only to reveal multiple types of asbestos in the rubble, which in turn resulted in the school’s closure and relocation of its pupils elsewhere, while the site was cleared up.
Mr Francois, as the local MP, had multiple meetings with Education Ministers’ and other educational leaders, to help the school through its difficulties – which have now resulted in the construction of a brand-new main block of classrooms.
Mr Francois was shown the ongoing construction work during his recent visit and the new classrooms are now on schedule, to open next year.
Commenting on his visit, Mr Francois said: “As the local MP, I wanted to congratulate the leaders at KES personally for all they have achieved, despite a very challenging last year or two.
“To have emerged with a rating of ‘Good’, despite everything the school has had to endure, is a real tribute to all the staff, governors, pupils and parents who make up the King Edmund School Community. Well done KES.”
Picture: Mark Francois MP congratulating the Deputy Head of King Edmund School, Mr John Fuller on the school’s recent ‘Good’ rating from OFSTED, despite a very challenging year.
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