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Leigh On Sea News. Goodbye Serving the Homeless - A LEIGH charity that has been Serving the Homeless for 33 years held its last fundraiser this October.

Serving the homeless wine tasting Jo Ronan Catarina Pucci Marylisa Brown Arturo Pucci of Majestic Wine (1)

Goodbye Serving the Homeless - A LEIGH charity that has been Serving the Homeless for 33 years held its last fundraiser this October.

A LEIGH charity that has been Serving the Homeless for 33 years held its last fundraiser this October.

The charity held a wine tasting at St Margaret’s Hall in Lime Avenue on October 7 as its final event, and managed to raise £1,000 for the projects they support.

Pat Short from Serving the Homeless explained: “The wine tasting was arranged by Marylisa STH with Cat from Majestic Wines in Southend.

“It was a wonderful evening. Cat was very knowledgeable about all the wines we were able to taste and made the whole evening very enjoyable.”

Speaking about their decision to disband as an organisation, charity chairperson Jo Ronan explained that 2023 would be their last year of operation because of both the age of the committee and the lack of new representatives from the parishes.

She explained the genesis of the project back in 1990: “When we started all those years ago there was very little support for the young single homeless in the town.”

True trail blazers, Serving the Homeless broke the mould as being a very early group dedicated to helping others in the community.

Now, as Mrs Ronan was delighted to add: “There are now many other organisations that will carry on working to alleviate the plight of the homeless. It has been a privilege to have been able to work together with the Methodist and Anglican churches in Leigh to provide support for homeless people in the Southend area over the last 33 years.”

We would like to thank all those who over the years have supported us with their attendance at events, membership of our 200 Club and their prayers.

“I would also like to give my personal thanks to everyone who has served on the Committee since 1990.”

The organisation will hold a final closing event, their annual YMCA fundraiser Carol Concert, on Friday December 15 which will take place at 7pm at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, followed by mince pies in the church hall.

All are welcome to attend.

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