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Grand pic (2)

AFTER years of struggle and controversy the restoration saga of Leigh’s Grand Hotel has finally reached a close.

From March 7, Home Estate Agents of Leigh will be showing interested buyers around the building’s 18 newly developed One and Two bedroom apartments.

On March 9 a launch party will be held for the site’s commercial space.

A spokesperson for 406 Leisure, the company behind the Grand’s restoration and development of the iconic building, said: “On the 7th of March people will be invited to actually come and visit the apartments in the front part of the building, so they’ll be able to walk in there and see the apartments.”

“The size of them on average is about 1,000 square foot, so these are really good sized apartments people are going to be able to live in. The Two bed’s start from £700,000 (Seven Hundred Thousand Pounds). If people are interested they can contact Tony Kelly at Home Estate Agents.”

Speaking about the building’s commercial space he said: “We’ve got a launch party on the 9th and 10th of March, where, by invite, we’re inviting local businesses and people that are interested in purchasing the Grand, people that have been involved in the Grand to date, with the development, to a kind of launch celebration.

“The end is near and we’ve finally been able to turn the old dilapidated building, of what it was, into the Grand building of yesteryear.”

Although work to restore the building in Leigh Broadway is still on going, the spokesperson said: “The front part of the conversion is complete and now we’re just getting on with the extension/rear building. There’s been unfortunate delays due to the weather, Covid and dealing with the parameters around the basement area.

“They’re (the apartments) are going to be completed by the end of this year and people will be able to start moving in from the start of the summer, this year, all going well.”

Asked how much the company has spent on the restoration he said: “For us, it’s about, we’ve regenerated the building and brought it back to life. The money that we’ve spent, is kind of irrelevant, in the fact that we’re making sure that it’s done correctly. It’s cost us a lot more money than we ever anticipated, to be perfectly honest.”

Asked if the company will still make a profit, the spokesperson said: “That’s yet to be seen, we hope so”

The commercial part of the building, which occupies the basement and the ground floor, covers around 17,000 square feet in total and is available to rent. The spokesperson said: “So the commercial space, I can’t give too much information away at the moment or who we’re in discussions with, but the idea is to bring in a new company to the Broadway that will fit in nicely with its surroundings.

“I think the local residents will be very pleased with the kind of tenants that we’re looking at moving into the space. The space has already been kitted out for a spa with swimming pool and gym areas in the basement.”

“We want to give back to Leigh, with a building that people are proud to see again.”

For further information contact Tony Kelly at Home Estate Agents at 26 Broadway, Leigh or call 01702 480033.


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