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Leigh On Sea News. Greenway Made Safer - Work has begun to start installing solar-powered lamp posts along the Prittlebrook Greenway, after residents asked for safety to be improved.

Leigh On Sea News. Greenway Made Safer – Work has begun to start installing solar-powered lamp posts along the Prittlebrook Greenway, after residents asked for safety to be improved.

Greenway Made Safer - Work has begun to start installing solar-powered lamp posts along the Prittlebrook Greenway, after residents asked for safety to be improved.

WORK has begun to start installing solar-powered lamp posts along the Prittlebrook Greenway, after residents asked for safety to be improved.

Thanks to funding from the Department for Transport’s Active Travel Fund 2, £225,000 will be spent on the lighting columns to make the scenic route along the brook safer and more welcoming, especially during the evening.

It follows the results from the Active Travel survey in July 2021, where 50 per cent of residents said they do not walk along the brook at night time because of safety concerns. 44 per cent said better lighting would help.

Coun James Courtenay, cabinet member for community safety and public protection, said: “Residents were very clear that as the Greenway is off the beaten track, there is a real concern around anti-social behaviour and safety, an issue that the lighting columns will solve.

“The installation work will take place over the next five weeks, and I really hope it means that residents can continue using the Greenway as we enter the winter months.”

Coun Meg Davidson, cabinet member for environment, said: “The Prittlebrook Greenway is a beloved path for walkers and cyclists in our city, but it’s clear some folks avoid it after dark due to safety concerns.

“The new lights are solar-powered, so they don’t need electricity, and they’re smart too. They turn on when someone is using the path and turn off when they’re not needed, saving energy and money. I can’t wait to see them in action.”

Work started on Monday September 25 and there might be some temporary closures to part of the Greenway while the work takes place.

A council spokesperson said: “We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Please follow any detours and instructions for your own safety.”

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