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Leigh On Sea News: Hospital’s Accountancy Spend - RAYLEIGH and Wickford MP, Mark Francois, has blasted the senior management of the Mid and South Essex NHS Hospital Trust, for spending over £1.25 million in accountancy fees, in attempting to control a major overspend in its budget.

Leigh On Sea News: Hospital’s Accountancy Spend – RAYLEIGH and Wickford MP, Mark Francois, has blasted the senior management of the Mid and South Essex NHS Hospital Trust, for spending over £1.25 million in accountancy fees, in attempting to control a major overspend in its budget.

Hospital’s Accountancy Spend - RAYLEIGH and Wickford MP, Mark Francois, has blasted the senior management of the Mid and South Essex NHS Hospital Trust, for spending over £1.25 million in accountancy fees, in attempting to control a major overspend in its budget.

RAYLEIGH and Wickford MP, Mark Francois, has blasted the senior management of the Mid and South Essex NHS Hospital Trust, for spending over £1.25 million in accountancy fees, in attempting to control a major overspend in its budget.

In a recent reply to a Parliamentary Question, about how much money The Trust had spent with major accountancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), it emerged that the Trust had spent Over £1.25 million last year, with PwC, in attempting to rein in a major overspend in its budget, which, for this year, is still estimated to be in the order of £80 million.

This comes against the background of increasing complaints about the quality of service at Southend Hospital.

Commenting on this development, Mark Francois MP said: “The staff at Southend Hospital work extremely hard to try and deliver the best possible healthcare to the population of southeast Essex.

“However, there have been endless changes in the management of the Hospital, not least since the formation of the Mid and South Essex Trust, several years ago. As a local MP, I am particularly disturbed to hear that some £1.25 million has been spent on consultants, trying to help The Trust’s senior management run its own budget, money which could have been spent on patient care.

“The leadership of the Trust need to seriously raise their game, including speeding up the much delayed redevelopment of the new A&E department at Southend.”

The written Parliamentary Question confirming this figure can be found by visiting:

Picture: Rayleigh and Wickford MP, Mark Francois, who has raised questions about the trust spending over £1,000,000 on external accountants, to help control its budget.

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