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Leigh On Sea News: Increased Wood’s Accessibility - RECENT ongoing works to improve 1km of footpath in Hockley Woods have helped make the outdoors more accessible, according to a Rochford councillor. 

Leigh On Sea News: Increased Wood’s Accessibility – RECENT ongoing works to improve 1km of footpath in Hockley Woods have helped make the outdoors more accessible, according to a Rochford councillor. 

Increased Wood’s Accessibility - RECENT ongoing works to improve 1km of footpath in Hockley Woods have helped make the outdoors more accessible, according to a Rochford councillor. 

Leigh On Sea News: Increased Wood’s Accessibility - RECENT ongoing works to improve 1km of footpath in Hockley Woods have helped make the outdoors more accessible, according to a Rochford councillor. 

Leigh On Sea News: Increased Wood’s Accessibility – RECENT ongoing works to improve 1km of footpath in Hockley Woods have helped make the outdoors more accessible, according to a Rochford councillor. 

RECENT ongoing works to improve 1km of footpath in Hockley Woods have helped make the outdoors more accessible, according to a Rochford councillor.

Following a report on the woods’ accessibility presented to the council in early March, Julie Gooding, Non-Aligned councillor for Hawkwell West, said the ongoing resurfacing works will open up the woods to those with mobility issues.

“It’s really important that we as Rochford Council give thorough consideration to residents in respect to our woodlands, places and open spaces,” said Mrs Gooding.

“Therefore, improving accessibility at Hockley Woods for visitors is really important to me and Rochford Council.

“Some visitors experience barriers including gateways, steps and uneven surfaces – the new pathway opens the opportunity for people with mobility issues, including opportunities to enjoy the beautiful surroundings that some people may take for granted.”

The resurfacing of the Hockley Woods main track began at the end of February, and involved removing bumps and sharp surfaces from the track by the levelling and compacting of granite, with a final layer of granite dust completing the surface.

he area is regularly used for events such as Hockley Woods Park Run, as well as being a meeting place for other community groups.

Coun Gooding added: “The peace and tranquillity are good for our health and wellbeing, and should be enjoyed by everyone.”

Covering over 130 hectares, Hockley Woods are the largest remaining area of the wild wood, which covered Essex after the Ice Age 10,000 years ago.

Picture: The new route. Pic RDC

Picture: Walkers enjoy the path. Pic Julie Gooding

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