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Leigh On Sea News: Leigh By-elections Triggered – A NUMBER of by-elections have been triggered after a raft of resignations were filed at Leigh Town Council.
Leigh By-elections Triggered - A NUMBER of by-elections have been triggered after a raft of resignations were filed at Leigh Town Council.
A NUMBER of by-elections have been triggered after a raft of resignations were filed at Leigh Town Council.
Leigh Town Council Chairman Bernard Arscot has confirmed Owen Cartey, Anne Robinson and Murat Agdeve have resigned.
This follows the first resignation of Mark Flewitt earlier this year that left a vacant seat in Elms Ward, for which a by-election will be held on August 15.
This was followed by the resignation of Dr. Anne Robinson, also of Elms ward, and of Murat Agdeve of Thames Ward.
Now, conservative Owen Cartey, who represented West Leigh, has added his name to the number of resignations, over claims that it has become “impossible for community-minded voices to be heard.”
Leigh Town Council has been faced with numerous criticisms over its Tory-led leadership.
Responding to the latest resignation, Coun Arscott reportedly commented: “We’re sorry to see Owen resign.
“It’s been a very difficult period.
“It’s a sad day for democracy, but I’d like to thank him for the work he has done over the last year or so.”
Candidates confirmed for the August 15 by-election are as follows: Keith Ian Evans (Independent, Representing Residents); Peter Wexham (Independent Leigh) and Cate Willoughby (Independent candidate).
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