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Leigh On Sea News: Leigh Town Council Audit - COUN Bernard Arscott, Chairman of Leigh Town Council, has confirmed an Audit of Accounts has been produced by an independent professional.

Leigh On Sea News: Leigh Town Council Audit – COUN Bernard Arscott, Chairman of Leigh Town Council, has confirmed an Audit of Accounts has been produced by an independent professional.

Leigh Town Council Audit - COUN Bernard Arscott, Chairman of Leigh Town Council, has confirmed an Audit of Accounts has been produced by an independent professional.

COUN Bernard Arscott, Chairman of Leigh Town Council, has confirmed an Audit of Accounts has been produced by an independent professional.

The report was in response to a request made at the Council meeting on September 13, 2023.

A statement issued by the Council’s Locum Town Clerk said: “Coun Murat, who had proposed the Audit, says he is pleased to have received the Audit Report and looks forward to the document being formally accepted by all Councillors at the January 16 meeting and being made available to the public.

“Coun Agdeve was concerned at the time, as a relatively new Town Councillor, there had been a change in Councillors and the previous administration and wanted to ensure all was in order.

“Coun Agdeve stressed his comments were never directed at any specific member of

staff and he did not question anyone’s honesty. Coun Agdeve wishes to apologise for

any detrimental impact that may have been experienced by the Town Council staff

as a result of his words and particularly recognises the diligent work of the Assistant

Responsible Finance Officer.

The statement went on to say: “Coun Arscott acknowledged, with hindsight, things could have been phrased differently. Coun Arscott wishes to apologise for any distress caused to the Assistant Responsible Finance Officer and thank her for her hard work and long service to the Council.

Coun Arscott confirmed, as Chairman, it is his intention to ensure the Town Council

proceeds in a professional way. He recognises the value of the Council Staff Team

and will ensure there is good working relationships to enable the effective delivery of

services to all residents.”

Asked for further comment regarding staff grievances and the ongoing suspension of the Town Clerk, Helen Symmons, Coun Arscott confirmed again that they remain ongoing confidential and private staffing matters, which he cannot comment on, although he does hope they will be resolved quickly.

The audit can be found at:

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