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Leigh On Sea News: Leigh Ward Elections – AN election is set to take place to nominate councillors for three wards in Leigh.
Leigh Ward Elections - AN election is set to take place to nominate councillors for three wards in Leigh.
AN election is set to take place to nominate councillors for three wards in Leigh.
Leigh residents will take to the polls this Thursday, October 3 to decide who will be a new councillor for one seat each in the Elms Ward, Highlands Ward and Thames Ward.
The by-elections have been triggered after a raft of resignations were filed at Leigh Town Council.
Last month, a position on Elms Ward was filled by Independent councillor Peter Wexham, following the resignation of councillor Mark Flewitt.
This was followed in July this year by resignations of councillors Owen Cartey, Anne Robinson and Murat Agdeve.
Standing for Elms ward is Independent candidate Mavis Miller, Reform UK candidate Alex Pink, and independent Cate Willoughby.
Standing for election in Highlands Ward is Independent candidate is Paul Jonathan Barber, Independent candidate Tricia Leahy, alongside Sandra Caroline Bennett for Reform UK and Jane Mary Wilkes for Confelicity Party.
Standing for Thames ward is Independent candidates Mark Alexander Bromfield and Owen Richards as well as Tris Bemebridge for Confelicity and Tino Callaghan for Independent To Stop Green Belt Development.
The list of candidates can also be found as follows:
Elms ward
MILLER Mavis – Independent
PINK Alex – Reform UK
WILLOUGHBY Cate Independent
Highlands ward
BARBER Paul Jonathan – Independent
BENNETT Sandra Caroline – Reform UK
LEAHY Tricia Independent
WILKES Jane Mary – Confelicity
Thames ward
BEMBRIDGE Tris – Confelicity
BROMFIELD Mark Alexander – Independent
CALLAGHAN Tino – Independent To Stop Green Belt Development
RICHARDS Owen – Independent
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