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Leigh On Sea News. Letter - Dump Site? - Letter from: Coun Paul Gilson, Leigh.

Leigh On Sea News. Letter – Dump Site? – Letter from: Coun Paul Gilson, Leigh.

Letter - Dump Site? - Letter from: Coun Paul Gilson, Leigh.

L flytipping (1)

Leigh On Sea News. Letter – Dump Site? – Letter from: Coun Paul Gilson, Leigh.

SIR, Why do people use our streets as a dump site? Why do they think its ok?

This alley just off Rectory Grove is a place where people regularly leave waste, domestic, household and even furniture. It is there most days in some form or another.

Another favourite area is around the junction of Woodfield Road and Leigh Road. Detritus along this stretch is a regular feature, why?

I am not the first councillor to complain, Anita Forde ex Leigh town Councillor would report it often daily, all to no avail. Residents are fed up with it, parking, speeding and litter are the most regular complaints to us.

I have written to My Southend and brought the areas to the attention of Veolia at their annual meeting recently.

Enforcement is needed as a matter of urgency.

Please report fly tipping you see to My Southend or your local city councillor, work with us to improve our streets.

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