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Library Petition Launched - A PETITION to protect a popular library in Westcliff has garnered the support of more than 1,000 people.

Library Petition Launched – A PETITION to protect a popular library in Westcliff has garnered the support of more than 1,000 people.

Library Petition Launched - A PETITION to protect a popular library in Westcliff has garnered the support of more than 1,000 people.

Library Petition Launched – A PETITION to protect a popular library in Westcliff has garnered the support of more than 1,000 people.

Moves to close two of Southend Council’s libraries and cut the opening house of others, in a bid to save £200,000,are part of a broad sweep of measures proposed to tackle its £10.7million deficit.

Although no decisions have yet been revealed regarding the future of specific libraries, residents have launched a petition to protect Westcliff Library in London Road from any potential closure.

The petition emphasises the various ways the library plays “an essential role in the community,” from providing a warm hub, children’s Story Rhyme sessions, and a base from which the Southend Care bank operates.

Labour Westborough ward councillor Aston Line also added his voice to the cause, reportedly saying that he would “not let it happen.”

He cited the fact that his ward is one of the densest wards, with little green space besides the library gardens.

He added: “We have very few community assets and I pretty much use it as an office, I use it for my regular surgery and a huge number of residents chat about their problems there, it is used by many residents.”

The well-known building was constructed between 1958 and 1960 by P. F. Burridge, and was Grade II listed in 1998.

It has many fans, including local artist David Lintine who has regularly made its Brutalist spaces and furniture a subject of his work.

Westcliff author Tom Seabrook said: “Closing Westcliff Library would be a terrible, heartless move. It is a genuine hub of the local community, always full of familiar faces.

“My children have been coming to the library all their lives, and I regularly use it as an unofficial office space, an especially welcome one during the cold winter months.

“I would be devastated to see it close, and so I’m sure would so many other local residents.”

At time of writing, the petition has gathered 1,270 signatures.

Coun Aston Line said that whilst this response was good at gauging local support, he encouraged residents to create a petition via the Southend Council E-Petition website.

This is because the current “” petition cannot be verified by the council or discussed.

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Southend Council E-Petition site is available at:

Picture: Westborough councillors Aston Line, Anne Jones and Kevin Robinson decorating their annual Christmas tree outside Westcliff Library (Pic: Aston Line)

Report by Sophie Sleigh-Johnson

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