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Leigh On Sea News: Live Q&A Session – CHILDREN of a Leigh primary and junior school took their local MP to task with a live Q&A session.
Live Q&A Session - CHILDREN of a Leigh primary and junior school took their local MP to task with a live Q&A session.
CHILDREN of a Leigh primary and junior school took their local MP to task with a live Q&A session.
Pupils at Darlinghurst Academy quizzed David Burton-Sampson, MP for Leigh and Southend West, as part of Parliament Week.
Members of the school’s prefects, junior governors, the sports committee and eco committee activists “grilled” Mr Burton-Sampson about his role as an MP, and asked him questions about topics such as funding the Paralympics.
The MP commented: “Well done to the children of Darlinghurst Academy who quizzed me this morning, as part of Parliament Week.
“I was grilled by prefects, junior governors, the sports committee and eco committee activists about how to be an MP and what I do.
“I was very impressed with their questions and their interest in funding the Paralympics team.
“I’ll see what I can do.”
Parliament Week, officially called UK Parliament Week, is an annual event that takes place across the United Kingdom to engage people of all ages in learning about and celebrating the work and role of the UK Parliament.
Picture: Students with MP Mr. Burton-Sampson on screen
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